The Underground Church (GCM) Responds To The Israel, Gaza, And Iran Conflict

NAMPA, Idaho, May 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Global Catalytic Ministries (GCM). As tensions escalate between Israel and Iran and protests intensify globally condemning Israel and supporting Hamas, GCM’s CEO Mike Patino called for a closed meeting with its underground coaches worldwide. The purpose was to understand their unique perspectives on the unfolding situation and determine a collective response by the global GCM body. Here is how they responded.

“Living through wars as children, we face the complexity of the Israel, Palestine, Iran situation with a commitment to engage in a Christ-like manner,” shares Ali Al-Zaidi, an underground church leader in Iraq. “We listen to all sides, feel compassion for all human suffering, and see how we can reach the lost, as God works in the hearts of both sides.”

“In these times of conflict, we turn to Jesus’ commandments of love and peace,” Gul Chaudhry, a Pakistani coach mentions. “We acknowledge the complexity and call for humility, justice, compassion, and reconciliation, standing in solidarity with those affected by violence.”

“While we pray for all involved, including Israel, Gaza, and Iran, we cannot condone the actions of groups like Hamas,” Aamir Al-Qahtani, another underground disciple-maker adds. “We recognize the biblical prophecies and stand in solidarity with Israel, praying for all nations to turn toward Jesus.”

“Conflict reflects the pervasive evil in our age,” Pat Brown, a U.S. disciple-maker notes. “We stand not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies but against spiritual wickedness. Our eternal hope lies in the return of Jesus, who overcomes all conflicts through His sacrificial love.”

“The war in Gaza affects us globally. Tens of thousands march in Europe, protesting human rights violations, while the Jewish community feels increasingly threatened,” reports Phil Taylor, a disciple-maker in the UK. “Our mission remains: to make disciples, sharing the good news that the God of Israel is the God of All Nations.”

“As tensions rise, our cry for Jesus to return intensifies. To see a redeemed Israel and a peaceful Palestine, we take Jesus’ command to disciple nations seriously,” Marianne Larsen, a Norwegian disciple-maker expresses.

The leaders of the underground churches’ response is a profound reminder that the mission of the Church transcends national and political boundaries. It calls for a unified stance in Christ to minister through the love and sacrifice that only He can provide. This emphasizes that true security for all, including Israel, lies not in protests but in laying down our lives for our enemies, as Jesus taught—like sheep among wolves. Making disciples—our core action—plays a crucial role in transforming traditionally hostile regions as Muslims not only accept the Jewish Messiah but also begin to love the Jewish people.

Amid escalating tensions, the responsibility falls on us, as followers of Christ, to embody His teachings more fervently than ever. As Christians, we must act as agents of reconciliation and peace, extending love to all parties involved in this conflict, including both Hamas and Israel. Jesus commanded us to love our enemies and lay down our lives for others, just as He did for us when we were against Him. We are called not just to stand by but to actively engage in making disciples, even among those who are seen as protestors or adversaries. It is your Christian duty to transform hostility into fellowship through prayer, support, and direct action. Join Global Catalytic Ministries in this urgent mission to bring Jesus’ message of peace and reconciliation to the forefront of these tumultuous times. Act now—your involvement is crucial to fostering peace and embodying the spirit of the underground church in the heart of the Middle East conflict and your college campuses. We like to say from Mecca to Ohio, from an Imam to a homeschool mom.

About Global Catalytic Ministries

From leading the rescue of over 3,000 Christians and at-risk individuals during the Afghanistan pullout to chronicling the powerful stories of their underground church team in Iran through the documentary “Sheep Among Wolves Volume II,” Global Catalytic Ministries (GCM) has solidified its presence in 73% of the Middle East and now operates in 71 countries worldwide. GCM is committed to making disciples in the most unreached places, embodying the essence of being true sheep among wolves as they bring the Kingdom of God to every nation, tribe, and tongue.



Mike Patino
(630) 580-5629

SOURCE Global Catalytic Ministries