RAPID CITY, S.D., Feb. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — New Harbor Press is pleased to announce the release in paperback, and eBook formats for the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook, and the Apple iBookstore of Revived by Jesus Christ: His Return with Wrath by Manuel Giorgi of North Providence, RI.
Many years ago, God gave author Manuel Giorgi a prophesy that one day he would die, meet Jesus Christ, and come back. This book is the riveting account of that event with a transformative message from the Son of God.
Revived by Jesus Christ: His Return with Wrath reveals to the reader never before chronicled information about such topics as the truth about the rapture, the “End of the Age,” how God feels about world events, false religions, including the Catholic faith, and invisible spiritual events happening all around us.
Revived by Jesus Christ (ISBN: 978-1-63357-443-4, Trade Paper, 186 pages, $16.99, PROPHECY), from New Harbor Press, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever fine books are sold.
About the Author:
Manuel Giorgi has been close to God his entire life. At night, Manuel would think dying, being in the presence of Jesus Christ and then returning with a message along with physical gifts to do God’s work. Then, that very thing happened, with Jesus teaching and revealing his true purpose to the author. Manuel continues to spread his inspiring message and remains fulfilled as a blessed servant of God,
About the Publisher:
New Harbor Press is an imprint of CrossLink Publishing based in Rapid City, SD. New Harbor Press publishes a variety of bible study, meditation, and spiritual growth books distributed by Ingram Distribution. For more information, visit NewHarborPress.com.
Rick Bates, Managing Editor
New Harbor Press
SOURCE New Harbor Press