The Cuban Missile Crisis
Based on Essay Series: 40 Things Putin Supporters Get Wrong about Ukraine
HILO, Hawaii, Feb. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Raghu-nomics is formally introducing its policy proposals to the world on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, 2pm, at 51 Coelho Way, Honolulu HI, 96817.
(RSVP for Govinda’s Lunch Reservation @ 1:30 pm. Press Conference at 2:30 – 3:30 pm.)
This event will feature the Counter-Balance to Putin’s posture for peace with our own demands. This MUST be the beginning and end of any settlement over Ukraine.
This Peace Initiative is the culmination of essay series by Raghu-nomics: ’40 Things Putin Supporters Get Wrong About Ukraine.’
Raghu Giuffre is the author behind the Raghu-nomics series of 26 books covering most every major social economic policy issue of the last 20 years.
The top 5 of these Proposals will be outlined at the event as a demo of our work.
The goal is to find a home for Raghu-nomics and partners for each of these projects. That can vary by project between academic institutions, to political parties, or with a commercial firm or private sponsors:
Top 5 Proposals
1) Ukrainian Russian Peace Initiative:
(Front page on website: ‘Press Release Speech’)
2) Lifestyle Insurance:
3) Tesla’s Million-Mile Warranty
4) Palestinian Israeli Peace Initiative
5) American Shopping Party
Schedule: 1 Hour
2:30 to 3:30pm Conference
- Lunch: 1:30 pm to 2:30 with RSVP. 3:30 to 4:30 pm Q & A. 4:30 to 5:30 Interviews.
1) Russian Peace Initiative = 20 Minutes
- Ukrainian RUssian PEace INitiative = aka URUPEIN (pronounced European).
(Read front page of website)
A) 4 min reading of ‘Press Conference Speech.’
B) 5 min questions
C) 5 mins reading: ‘Honor the Phantom Soldier of Bakhmut.’
2) Lifestyle Insurance = 10 Minutes
Double the Healthcare, for Half the Price
3) Tesla’s Million-Mile Warranty = 10 Minutes
- 7 x times more money for Tesla, per vehicle, over 30-years
- Double Telsa Stock Price in 12 to 24 months
- 1/3 the monthly payments for buyers
4) Palestinian Israeli Peace Initiative = 10 Minutes
- Arab Nations either open their borders to Palestinians, or they ALL perish in the next 2 to 4 months.
- Failing this rescue – NOW – means blood be on the hands of the Arab nations for dithering. They have been formally warned.
- Saudi is the New China.
- Move Saudi’s development for their Wall over to the Sinai Peninsula to run as the ‘Bridge to Peace’ between the Mediterranean Sea and Gulf of Aqaba as the new link between Europe and the Middle East. A second channel to the Suez Canal.
- Palestinians will be party to the world’s biggest development project.
5) American Shopping Party = 10 Minutes
- 50 million American’s buying Local-American 1 day a month on the first Friday of each month.
Ph: 571-351-0444
PO Box 1108, Hilo HI 96721
SOURCE Raghu-nomics