Produced by Good Fight Ministries, it is the first in a seven-part documentary series available through Vimeo.
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. , April 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Christian media company Good Fight Ministries has released the first installment of its seven-part Marvel and DC’s War on God series.
Entitled The Anti-Christ Agenda and narrated by Pastor Joe Schimmel, the company says the 150-minute film "documents how popular comics and the movies that they have spawned are riddled with anti-Christ themes that glorify gratuitous violence, sexual perversion, blasphemy, and the occult."
"Many leading comic book writers have admitted that they are using seduction, manipulation, the occult, and even the Bible to influence children to view the God of the Bible from a twisted slant," Pastor Schimmel says.
Good Fight Ministries predicts the series will find an audience among parents and young people seeking help in discerning underlying messages in popular entertainment that negatively impact Christian family values.
New installments in the Marvel and DC’s War on God series are expected to be released every three months and will be available on Vimeo on Demand for $3.99 to rent and $8.99 to buy. DVDs will also be made available. The trailer can be accessed here.
Pastor Schimmel is perhaps best known for his 2004 documentary They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll, which delved into the hidden agendas of popular musical artists such as Elvis, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, U2, Creed, Britney Spears, and DMX. That series sold tens of thousands of copies, the company says.
Praise for Joe Schimmel
"Joe Schimmel’s documentaries are always cutting-edge, timely, and incredibly informative. Marvel and DC’s War on God will not disappoint." — Ray Comfort, founder and CEO, Living Waters
"Satan is after your children, and he’s cleverly using comic book movies to deceive them. Marvel & DC’s War on God will show you exactly how they’re targeted and open your eyes to the war on Christianity." – Ralph Strean, director, Genesis: Paradise Lost and The Ark and the Darkness
"I highly endorse the message the producers are trying to get across … for years there has been a sinister attempt to promote violence and an anti-God focus in materials intended primarily for children’s impressionable minds. It is high time that the perverted agenda of those who produce and market such materials is seen for what it is and is unmasked." – Leonard W. DeWitt, pastor (former pastor of Steve McQueen)
About Good Fight Ministries
A nonprofit located in Simi Valley, Calif., Good Fight Ministries has been providing biblical content, and critically acclaimed documentaries and video exposés since 1987. It also provides research on religious trends, trends in pop culture and insights on bible prophecy and End Times. Good Fight operates an internet radio station, "The Good Fight Radio Network," and its "The Good Fight Radio Show" and "5:11 News" podcasts have tens of thousands of listeners worldwide. The ministry has over 141,000 YouTube subscribers and more than 57,000 followers on Facebook.
For more information, contact Doug Stebleton, (310) 497-8000;
SOURCE Good Fight Ministries