RAPID CITY, S.D., Feb. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — New Harbor Press is pleased to announce the release in paperback, and eBook formats for the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook, and the Apple iBookstore of The Gospel Naming Fraud by John Zavicar III of Melbourne Beach, FL.
Darla Pearson, project manager for New Harbor Press reflects, “John challenges everything I thought I knew about the authors of the Gospels.”
The Gospel Naming Fraud walks the reader through the evidence that the Gospel author stories of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are actually tall tales spun very early in church history to support a takeover of the Church of Jesus Christ. These three authors are widely accepted as the truth even though there is no evidence to confirm them. Read and study the evidence of the fraud presented here and find out the truth for yourself. The real authors bring confidence to the story of Jesus.
The Gospel Naming Farud (ISBN: 978-1-63357-266-9, Trade Paper, 323 pages, $19.00, SPIRITUAL GROWTH), from New Harbor Press, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever fine books are sold.
About the Author:
Using his investigative and document analysis skill along with a relentless quest to find the truth, this scientist and successful engineer thoroughly examined scripture to find that three of the Gospels had been intentionally misnamed. The evidence of this deception will initially shock you, but when you examine the data, you will find that the real Gospel authors are the only names that make sense.
About the Publisher:
New Harbor Press is an imprint of CrossLink Publishing based in Rapid City, SD. New Harbor Press publishes a variety of bible study, meditation, and spiritual growth books distributed by Ingram Distribution. For more information, visit NewHarborPress.com.
Rick Bates, Managing Editor
CrossLink Publishing
SOURCE New Harbor Press