Credit Card Holders In Texas Have State Law On Their Side

Consumers with credit card debt that live in the state of Texas have vast protection according to the Texas Constitution and other state laws

DENVER, May 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Integrity Debt Solutions, LLC a debt relief and debt settlement company specializing in helping Texas consumers and Texas residents today announced the latest updates to Texas law governing credit card holders.

Recent statistics have revealed that Texas now holds the number two position as far as the state with the most credit card debt.

Texas is a traditionally debtor-friendly state, having expansive and unlimited exemptions for homestead, life insurance policies and their cash value, retirement accounts (401k, IRA, etc), and annuities. Additionally, Article 16, Section 28 of the Texas state constitution bans the garnishment of wages, except for child or spousal support.

Apart from these protective benefits, the statute of limitations in Texas to collect a debt is 4 years. During this time period, a creditor can pursue collection efforts (including but not limited to filing a lawsuit) and once the 4-year time frame has expired, the creditor is prohibited from filing an enforceable lawsuit against the cardholder.

The new bankruptcy laws make it a bit harder on the debtor to qualify for filing a bankruptcy petition, including: (1) must have income below the median level currently $59,030; (2) must live in your current home for more than 180 days; and (3) must attend mandatory financial literacy classes.

“A resident of Texas has expansive legal rights on their side when it comes to getting out of credit card debt and avoiding bankruptcy”, Gary Wayne Managing Director of Integrity Debt Solutions, LLC shares. “When an indebted consumer that resides in Texas understands the vast protection and amount of time with which they have to resolve their debts, they are greatly relieved and can often come up with a successful plan to rid themselves of the total debt. Often times, they can have all of their debt resolved for 40% to 60% of the total. In addition, they can shave many years off the time in which it takes to pay off the debt.”

Avoiding bankruptcy, avoiding refinancing a home, and avoiding enrolling in a time-consuming consumer credit counseling program are the pillars to our Credit Card Relief Education (CCRE) program at Integrity Debt Solutions.

For more information, visit or contact the company directly at 1-833-431-3631.

Gary Wayne

877- 296- 1199

SOURCE Integrity Debt Solutions, LLC