LOS ANGELES, May 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The latest development in Mark Russell Bell’s paranormal interaction is his dealing with the shocking emergence of the ‘God Alter Ego’ usually called ‘The Devil.’ The ‘paranormal phenomena’ that began manifesting in proximity to Mark Russell Bell was first documented with the 1997 paranormal case study Testament. (https://testament.org/)
Bell comments: "If the Alter Ego of an actual ‘Devil’ or metaphorical ‘Devil’ becomes any more pronounced, ‘End Time’ beliefs being fulfilled would be nearly insurmountable for humanity. I’ve been thinking about social developments in recent years, including the war overseas and cultural programming of military assumed imperatives, the ongoing worldwide pandemic, ‘corporate thinking,’ social unrest and people accustomed to focusing their attention on mainstream media without knowing that there’s credible evidence for the human afterlife and spiritual dispensations of The Devil’s former Alter Ego that go ignored or are overlooked by most contemporary people. Learning about the case chronologies and ‘proof’ documented in hundreds of noncommercial Metaphysical Articles blog posts (https://www.metaphysicalarticles.org/) with photographic evidence offers opportunities for expanding one’s perceptions about life."
In 2009 Bell began blogging. He reports: "In 1999 I distributed releases and participated in radio interviews with conversations about the 1999 prophecy of Nostradamus and the 1998 Edgar Cayce prophecy that ‘came true’ in July 1999."
Following the publication of Testament, Bell decided to research paranormal case study books and discovered what he calls ‘The Michael Pattern’ and ‘The Bell Pattern’ that noticeably interlink famous cases of documented paranormal phenomena, including Nostradamus, John Dee, the Fox Sisters associated with the Spiritualism Movement, Madame Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, Guy and Edna Ballard, Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint, channelers such as JZ Knight and Mark Probert, and the ‘Messages from Michael’ Ouija Board communication case.
Bell has described many times over the years how he learned about an apparent previous lifetime that occurred prior to known recorded history.
"In 1995 when my ‘Mark Russell Bell’ pseudonym was channeled to me, I remembered what I’d learned in books by Zecharia Sitchin about the individual today known as ‘Bel-Marduk . . .’" The possibility of my having lived a previous life as Bel-Marduk seemed to be confirmed when I found an Egyptian-style pendant presenting a profile view of someone who looked just like me as I appeared during my youth. No other antique object I’ve ever seen has made this impression on me." (https://www.metaphysicalarticles.org/2020/01/bel-marduk-automatic-writing-session.html)
Contemporary ‘Pop culture’ is among the topics of blog articles for Bell. These article titles include "Reflections about My Unexpected Path of Spiritual Discovery (Journal Post)"; "Reflections and Images – Deciphering Angelic Initiation"; "Considering Diverse Initiations for Metaphysical and Spiritual Insights"; and "’The Possessed’ and Today’s Pop Culture.’" A list of 165 music video links mentioned at Bell’s websites may be read at YouTube with a recent addition being one for the INXS Michael Hutchence Pop song "Devil Inside." [Note from MRB: I wept upon seeing this video Tuesday at 10 a.m.]
The documentation and evidence of Bell’s personal ‘paranormal’ case chronology are profiled at the Metaphysical Articles blog with a subjects and articles index available at https://paranormalencyclopedia.org/
Bell identifies some reasons for people’s ignorance about what can be learned about metaphysical and spiritual aspects of life:
"Ignorance and denialist responses by authors and journalists to documented case chronologies of the paranormal and supernatural throughout modern times are contributing factors for countless people today having little awareness of a gamut of spiritual/metaphysical Dispensations involving the God Force manifesting around individual people as a revelation to all. The current state of society and people waiting for ‘someone else’ to solve life threatening social and environmental problems reported by scientists for decades apparently has now resulted with the emergence of ‘The Devil.’"
For more information, visit Bell’s two blogs and testament.org
Media Contact:
Mark Russell Bell
SOURCE Mark Russell Bell